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50 Arrested For Cock Fighting

50 Arrested For Cock Fighting

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Unfetteredgypsy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Feb 28, '18 1:19pm  
@lynabee : mine too. Sad to say we sometimes see the result of fighting where I work. Not always a good outcome...
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 8:20am  
These outraged posts are very puzzling to me. I thought one basic principle of modern, progressive society was that we had to be understanding and welcoming of people from other countries and other cultures. Where's your appreciation of diversity, folks?
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Unfetteredgypsy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 8:44am  
@PHS1954 : I agree with you about understanding and welcoming others.
However I do not agree with **** fighting or dog fighting under any circumstances.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 9:01am  
These outraged posts are very puzzling to me. I thought one basic principle of modern, progressive society was that we had to be understanding and welcoming of people from other countries and other cultures. Where's your appreciation of diversity, folks?
@PHS1954 : This has nothing to do with diversity /1886116/history-of- cockfighting
Cockfighting has a history which traces back to times before Christ. However, before it even became a sport, the bird was regarded as an admirable animal, drawing respect from men. The fighting **** was a subject of religious worship.
In the United States, famous presidents who were lovers of the game were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. It was socially acceptable and encouraged for a gentleman to have a flock of gamecocks and to be an expert on the sport. At one point, the U.S. Became a center for cockfighting activities and events. Cockfights were even held in the committee rooms of the president. It is said that the fighting-**** almost became the national emblem. It lost by one vote to the american eagle. Cockfighting declined when the Civil War started.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 9:04am  
BTW, this is still legal in three states. That is shameful, imo tory?id=131142
This is the world of cockfighting, which is still legal in Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma, where it is a billion dollar-a-year industry.
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 9:38am  
Cockfighting today is regarded as a part of Hispanic tradition in Central and South America, so it seems to me that a righteous progressive should welcome it as a part of the baggage of the mojados that they say we should welcome so eagerly.
Never been to a **** fight, myself, though rumor says they are frequent in this area. I didn't have enough interest to hunt one up because: I didn't want to risk arrest due to my profession (before retirement); and I didn't know where to find one; and I regard the audience as an inherently dangerous environment.
But, while I wouldn't call myself a fan, I do have an appreciation for, and have gone to a few bull fights. It is unfortunate that that name was adopted in English. It perhaps reflects our American national mental illness of turning everything possible into a contest. (It's a wonder we don't have ballet races! Probably couldn't find a tv sponsor.) A bull fight isn't a "fight," with a winner and loser. A bullfight is a drama, a spectacle of history, color, sound, grace, courage, and, yes, death. And it's real, right there on the sand.
You might also be interested to know that a girl I went to high school with in Pearland, though she was a couple of years younger than I, became an actual matadora in Mexico. She received her sword in a corrida in Nuevo Laredo. I don't know how her career developed. I doubt she ever made it to the big league in Mexico City, or it would probably have made the news.
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Unfetteredgypsy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 9:40am  
Pearland is not central or south America
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 3:40pm  
But it's surely packed with people from those cultures, that leftist media like NPR insist we should welcome and appreciate.
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Unfetteredgypsy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 3:58pm  
@PHS1954 : true, Pearland and the USA are diversity rich.
One of the things I like so much about this site and the forums is we can each state our opinions and thoughts so freely!
No shaming for opinions and the ability to disagree civilly.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:01pm  
@PHS1954 : Only about 4% of Pearlanders have Central American ancestry. That's out of about 21% of hispanic origin. Almost 50% are white and about 17% are black. Approximately 13.5% are Asian.
We are a very diverse community and we are culturally rich.
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YosemiteSam Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:03pm  
@DrewLundgren : Drew, it depends on the culture in which one is raised. The same as ISIS slits throats; Spain, Mexico and Bullfighting! That's what they know and laugh at those that criticize.
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:08pm  
@YosemiteSam : And like hundreds of millions of Indians are probably outraged at our habit of eating beef.
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:09pm  
@Unfetteredgypsy : Where do you work? KFC?
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Unfetteredgypsy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:12pm  
@PHS1954 : you've crossed the line with me now, goodbye and good luck.
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DrewLundgren Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 4:19pm  
@YosemiteSam : All I said was, " I will never understand how anyone can gain enjoyment from brutal animal fights, or from betting on those fights. It’s just so wrong. " I recognize cultural differences. My failure to understand how someone can get enjoyment from pitting one animal against another remains, and I certainly understand much is cultural. And then I stated my position, which I stand by, it is wrong. Wow, just wow.
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