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50 Arrested For Cock Fighting

50 Arrested For Cock Fighting

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HillCountry Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 6:39pm  
Some people are just plain flippant and facetious. 😔😔
Anyhow, the law got the birds out of that mess of a life.
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Sophie1 Active Indicator LED Icon 4
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 6:57pm  
@PHS1954 : I am going to step up & call you out on such a ignorant statement. This is the United States of America, not central or South America. It is against the law here, like it or not. As the saying goes "when in Rome". I better stop before I get banned.
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Tom57 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 1, '18 11:33pm  
@PHS1954: You know, I haven't said nothing up untill now. I've just been reading your post to see if the light would ever come on. It's apparent your bulb is burnt out.
Your stupidity of American, State & County law is mesmerizing.
You have have freedoms here, but not the freedom to break the law.
I can tell you are "butt hurt" because some of your buddies got caught.
Honestly, you also have the freedom to leave here if you don't like the laws. But, something is telling me that you would never get up and leave.
Are you getting government assistance ?
There is something very different about you. In all my days, I have NEVER heard anyone defend an activity like **** fighting in America under the guise of "diversity", UNLESS, they were a perticipant or a spectator gambling on the event.
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PHS1954 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 6 years ago   Mar 2, '18 12:19am  
You are rather short on understanding of what is called "irony," aren't you? Should one actually pay attention to the ramblings of someone who can't even spell "participant"? It's amusing!
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annweiss Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 6 years ago   Mar 2, '18 2:25pm  
@PHS1954 : "leftist media like NPR"?/;// Really? Guess you are a minion of Fox News? Come least be civil to others who do not adhere to your ideology. Manners please.
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DrewLundgren Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 2, '18 2:46pm  
@annweiss : Agree, there was no need to make this political at all. I am a strongly conservative leaning libertarian. I would never think liberals/progressives would generally support **** fighting based on diversity or embracing norms from other cultures. I didn't like where this forum went at all.
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Tom57 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 2, '18 2:51pm  
@DrewLundgren : Agreed. Well, every once in a while you'll find a worm in the apple 🍎 🐛
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Tom57 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 15, '18 9:01am  
@DrewLundgren : @annweiss : @Sophie1 : @HillCountry : Ya know, I haven't heard anything more on the **** fighting case. I'm curious as to what the sentence/punishment will be for this. I know one thing, instead of those Orange jump suits they should be made to wear "chicken costumes" and come to court dressed that way. 🐓👍
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HillCountry Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 6 years ago   Mar 15, '18 10:59am  
@Tom57 :
The Alvin Advertiser reported that 15 of the birds were picked up by a woman near Alvin who runs a chicken rescue and she said she received a call last Friday from SPCA letting her know that someone else was able to pick up the others to take care of them.
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Sophie1 Active Indicator LED Icon 4
~ 6 years ago   Mar 15, '18 2:55pm  
@Dorothy : some of the founding fathers owned slaves, did that make it right
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 6 years ago   Mar 15, '18 4:54pm  
@Sophie1 : I did not say it was right. It is, however, legal in some states.
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