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75 Hard: Day 9 - COMPLETE!

75 Hard: Day 9 - COMPLETE!

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by: Vcaprico Active Indicator LED Icon 1 OP  App
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 12:25am  
75 Hard: Day 9 - COMPLETE!
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This one took me a little longer. I'm still fighting this sinus stuff, but I did get my reading done early, and half my workout. It was looking like I'd have it all done early, but then work ran very late and I didn't get back to the treadmill til after 10 this evening….glad I work from home. Thanks for the continued support everybody!
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Jellybean Active Indicator LED Icon 1 App
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 7:22am  
@Vcaprico: You have great willpower!! That's a great accomplishment too!!!
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Km6464 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 7:46am  
@Vcaprico : You are very determined! The fact that you are still completing this each day even when sick is great.
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wondersunny78 Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 7:55am  
@Vcaprico : great job!
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Musicmaker Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 10:19am  
@Vcaprico : Hooray for you! Keep up the good work.
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Vcaprico Active Indicator LED Icon 1 OP  App
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 10:30am  
@Jellybean: honestly I don't, I'm trying to change the way I think about health and fitness….cause I'm tired of being sick and tired and I want to have the energy and ability to chase around not just my toddler now, but my grandkids one day and I'm not getting any younger.
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Vcaprico Active Indicator LED Icon 1 OP  App
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 10:35am  
@Km6464: determined, I'll take. I most certainly am. This is my second attempt at this challenge and I don't want the time I've put in the be for nothing. Quitting is easy, I've done it with every single workout plan, diet, or excercise program I've ever attempted. I want a full mind and body reset, so I can start getting more out of life instead of watching it pass me by. My favorite quote is "the days are long, but the years are short" and I know it's hard right now, but in 65 more days or a year from now it won't seem like anything and I'll be better for having done it.
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Km6464 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 11:49am  
@Vcaprico : I understand that this program you are following says to start over from the beginning if you miss a day but don't feel like any effort that you have put in so far is for nothing. Most exercise plans require rest days and most diets allow cheat days so taking a day off does not reverse any accomplishments up to that point. Of course, you can not stop for too many days but one or two rest days or sick days are OK as far as your body is concerned. Diet and exercise are hard. If it were easy, we would all be in great health.
In one study, it took participants at least 10 to 15 tries to stick with a diet - and for many people it took 38 or more attempts.
Also, try not to think of it as diet or exercise but a lifestyle change. Diet and exercise make it seem like it is a program that has an end. You cannot go back to old habits or the same health issues will return. Make a change to your lifestyle and choose to live healthier every single day.
Quitting a diet or exercise plan is not a fail. It is only a stepping stone to success. It's not failure, it is just unfinished success.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up. Just keep choosing to get back up and you will reach your goals.
Good luck to you!
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Km6464 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 11:54am  
@Vcaprico : Thank you for the credits!
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Vcaprico Active Indicator LED Icon 1 OP  App
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Oct 6, '22 12:04pm  
@Km6464: I agree, it's not a waste if I have to start over. Id still be better for the time and effort already put in, but it would mean, I'd be that many more days behind my goal…the mental aspect of this challenge is to prove to yourself, you can achieve your goal despite obstacles that come up. In one of the articles I read about the guy who came up with the whole concept, he talks about why one workout has to be outside. It's supposed to push you, that conditions may not be optimal, and some times we have to "run in the ran".
There is no shame is stopping and taking a break if my body needed it, but also, I know my body is capable of a lot more than I allow myself to think it is. I don't have any heart conditions or blood pressure issues or any health issues that would prevent me from being able to get up and move around an hour and a half a day. What has stopped me in the past is myself….excuses, sinuses, work, I'm sleepy, it's hot out, it's too cold….blah, blah, blah….if I don't allow myself an excuse and it just come down to am I physically capable of achieving my goal today, then as long as I'm able I CAN do it! We all can!
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