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Jellybean 2App
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago
Oct 8, '22 8:09am
@CjMullen3702: I like H‑E‑B Cheeto Puff or Crunchy. I like their Ridged Potato Chips but not the plain ones as they have too many burnt chips in the bag!!
@susieq: ohhh Aldi brand girl scout cookie dupes are AMAZING!!!! I've also tried their condensed soups and didn't like them, I think they were the fit and active brand or something.
@CjMullen3702 : I agree on many of their products. Most of the time you can find some Campbell's soups there. I paid $1.27 for Campbell's Cream of Chicken when it is $1.85 a can at HEB.
I can tell you, cream cheese has to be Philly! My brother was always trying to fool his kids into eating the cheaper stuff, and they never fell for it. While I don't indulge in Cheeze Balls often, when I do, they have to have the Mr Peanut on the label, nothing else tastes like their's.