The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recognized the City of Pearland for the 43rd year in a row with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the FY18 comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR), reporting period ended September 30, 2018. The certificate represents the highest honor for governmental accounting that only 16% of Cities in Texas achieve. Of the 200 Texas cities who have received the CAFR award, only seven cities have received this award more than Pearland.
"Fiscal responsibility is one of the Strategic Priorities that Pearland employees are committed to maintaining, the GFOA award is a testament to that dedication to our community and our responsibilities for stewardship of public resources." said Clay Pearson, Pearland City Manager.
There are 17 main sections in the criteria to be awarded the certificate, with a checklist that spans a total of 79 pages. All criteria must be sufficiently completed to be eligible, and thanks to the dedication of Pearland employees, the FY18 report represents the 43rd consecutive year Pearland has met these criteria and received this award.
"I'm proud to be a part of this great team at the City of Pearland, a great place to work and serve in honorable work," said Cynthia Pearson, Finance Director.
Learn more about the City of Pearland Finance Department work, including the awarded Four-Star Texas Comptroller Transparency achievement, at epartments/finance/f inancial-transparenc y