Lights Out, Texas!
LIGHTS OUT ACTION ALERT! Turn Lights Out at Night April 28, 2022-April 30, 2022. Each night and each light turned out helps save migrating birds. Help Houston’s birds by these actions & it can add up to a big difference for birds.
Houston Audubon and their partners recommend buildings three stories and higher and those with exterior lighting turn LIGHTS OUT for these THREE nights, April 28-30, 2022. Bird migration for the region is predicted to be medium and high for the next three nights by Cornell Lab of Ornithology's BirdCast Program. This means that over 23,000 birds per kilometer per hour will be traveling over our region, possibly stopping to rest and refuel.
By turning off unnecessary lights at night, both at work and at home, during periods of migration, you can help dramatically reduce hazards from attraction to and disorientation by light, allowing our avian neighbors to safely proceed on their journeys through our region.
With grounded birds in the region for the next few days, daytime collisions at ground level will also be greatly increased. Please limit dangerous threats such as reflective glass surfaces and outdoor predators such as house cats.
Learn more: ghtsouttexas/
Sign up to receive Lights Out Action Alerts directly to your email: e-to-action/lights-o ut/alerts/
Learn more about bird-safe actions:
www.birdfriendlyhous 0Dv-G_ZpuREtuoZbl6F1 qr49irltZBPVL_N