So people who work outside of Pearland are not welcome to live here? And people should just pick up and move even if they have lived here for 20 or 30 years?
Commuter rail, btw, is NOT light rail. It should be heavy rail and be built in a way that does not disturb car traffic.
Pearland is currently at 120,000
population. It is not a *small town* any longer and deserves better service.
1. People who work in Houston and live here, pay city taxes to Pearland.
2. People who live here and work in Houston shop in Pearland and pay sales tax here.
3. People who live here own their homes and pay property taxed to PISD.
I would love to see cross town buses in Pearland although I don't know that many people would use them.
Evanston, IL where I lived for over 30 years had 3 commuter rail stops and 7 *el* stops and people who lived in Evanston took advantage of them because many worked in downtown Chicago. Evanston has a
population of about 80,000 now. It has the advantage of having a major University (Northwestern) in the town. Pearland currently has a branch of UH Clearlake in town now as well.
People who live in the suburbs of Boston use the commuter rail to get to work in Boston or to college in Boston or other suburbs.
People who live in New Jersey or on Long Island and work in New York City use commuter rail into Manhattan and/or use the subways to commute to various parts of the city.
There is no reason why we should not have similar options. I would love to take the train to go to the Museum district because driving is a pain.