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Middle School Student Charged After Bringing Gun To School

Middle School Student Charged After Bringing Gun To School

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Inb0913 Active Indicator LED Icon 6
~ 5 years ago   Apr 10, '19 9:51pm  
@PHS1954 : That is if they stay out of trouble when get older
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Sophie1 Active Indicator LED Icon 4
~ 5 years ago   Apr 10, '19 10:25pm  
UGH, why the heck am I paying 3300.00 a year in school taxes for this sort of behavior. SO FRUSTRATING!!! My parents, no I am not even gonna go down that road.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 8:01am  
@squidgirl : Many are suicides or domestic violence.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 8:08am  
@Sophie1 : What exactly do you think the school and the teachers can do to prevent this? The parents are your first line of defense.
Kids don't bully the other kids in the classroom where the teachers can see it. It happens when they are out of sight of any adults.
I think it is a shame that any kid thinks that bringing a gun is the way to solve this, but that is our prevalent mindset today.
Look at all these road rage incidents: age/
People are very angry nowadays.
Kids do what they see the adults around them model. If adults can't solve their problems peacefully, how can we expect kids to figure that out.
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squidgirl Active Indicator LED Icon 6
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 8:50am  
@Dorothy : Ok. Still proves my point. The numbers need to be put into perspective, otherwise, they are meaningless.
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Soccer2018 Active Indicator LED Icon 2
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 10:29am  
@Dorothy : Not so true any more. Kids are doing it at school and in front/by teachers. It has happened where my son goes, but it is being more tolerated - that's the problem.
Teachers are with our kids most of the day and see things parents don't. Fortunately where my son goes there are some good teachers - when they notice something - they let the parents know - so hopefully it gets addressed.
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TexasJo Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 10:32am  
I would respectfully say that it begins at home. Without teaching our young the basics of life they will just learn to fodder on their own or become destructive unless a good person falls up on their path. School is for teaching. It is not for psychoanalysis or discipline or guidance for living. Children should be taught before they enter school now to listen to someone, sit for short periods of time, know how to go to the bathroom. I will also acknowledge that children need to be prescribed for any learning disabilities that could hamper them or others in the class such as ADHD, severe behaviour issues or physical ailments may be present. As far as bullying is concerned? Many kids know who the bullies are. They need to either anonymously identify them to the school or have the good kids in school handle it in the old way although that can be dangerous these days. Bullying after school when it is not on school grounds there is not much you can do. Then the cyber bullying is a whole different isssue. But it comes down to "It starts at home". Hold the parents accountable..
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Peartown98 Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 11:51am  
How can they get the gun that young?
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 2:37pm  
Pearland ISD has an online form where bullying can be reported anonymously. Page/2063
Pearland ISD prohibits the bullying of any person on school property or at school functions. The district further prohibits reprisal, retaliation, or false accusation against a target, a witness, or one with reliable information about an act of bullying.
*Report all allegations of bullying to the school counselor, campus principal or to the online anonymous bullying reporting system below.
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Sherry3898 Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 5 years ago   Apr 11, '19 10:32pm  
@Dorothy : Texas is a large state. My preference is to provide statistical data based on the number of weapons confiscated vs the number of travelers that go through the airport during a 24 hour window and how many were Texans. If you have that data I would find that interesting vs the data previously provided.
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TexasJo Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 5 years ago   Apr 12, '19 9:17pm  
Have they done any analysis as to why there are so many school shootings recently. Is there a specific source? The only reason I can possibly come up with personally is bullying. If it was a home situation I would think the child would take it out on specific family members than school kids. So, unless the child is somehow mentally challenged bullying would be the main category I would center education on in schools and, especially with parents.
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TexasJo Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 5 years ago   Apr 12, '19 9:26pm  
@Soccer2018 : That is just it. It should not be tolerated. Parents need to be notified immediately in cases of bullying. Multiple cases of bullying should require fines being placed on the parents as well as suspension from school for a specific amount of time. School is a place of learning, not an orphanage.
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Stealth83 Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 5 years ago   Apr 12, '19 9:35pm  
Removed By Request
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PHS77 Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 5 years ago   Apr 13, '19 9:17am  
@Peartown98 : Leaving a weapon unsecured, and telling the kids to leave it alone is the most certain way to encourage a kid to find and handle a weapon without an adult present. The omnipresent violence on tv and letting them play these first person shooter games doesn't help.
My dad had me handling firearms at the age of four. He saw my interest and he let me hold them and look at them. He kept the weapons secured when he wasn't around and he told me that I could handle the weapons only with him. Later, as he taught me to shoot, he taught me the safety rules first, and then the techniques of shooting. Safety was discussed before each outing, even as I became older. Hunting and target practice was something we did together almost our entire life together, though by the age of nine, I was responsible enough to go hunting on my own.
If you keep weapons, don't make them mysterious to your kids, and don't glorify their use by playing first-person shooter games in front of them. It cheapens their view of the sanctity of life. Keep the weapons secured at all times, and teach them how to handle them and respect them.
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Dorothy Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 5 years ago   Apr 13, '19 10:40am  
@PHS77 : I agree. Parents cannot say simply *do not touch.*
I saw this video a long time ago.

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