@Dorothy : I personally am scared to death of guns. Always have been. Saying that, I also believe in the right to bear arms. Gun safety should always be first and foremost. Children should be taught to handle guns properly from a young age but not with a macho attitude. The child should learn, not just the technical details of the firearm but most of all the damage it can do to human and animal alike. The emotional and physical repercussions of handling the gun. That the gun in your hands can have a positive and a negative effect depending on how you use it. My father owned guns his entire life. He had them locked in a closet and used them only for hunting. There was one of two times he felt someone was in our property and took the gun outside but never used it. I personally freak out because of the sound they make. He did teach us wisely how and when to use them. Guns have their place but they need to be respected just like a sharp knife or a fire.