The trails projects are here: epartments/parks-rec reation/trails-and-s idewalks
The Green Tee Terrace one was started in 2018
Green Tee Terrace Trail, Dec. 21 - The Green Tee Terrace Trail Project will see the construction of an approximately 8,000-feet-long, 10-feet-wide hike and bike trail along the Clear Creek Corridor
Range from Broadway through Province Village to Clear Creek then over the creek to Hughes Road.
The project also includes benches, signage, trash receptacles and shade structures.
Bids for construction were recently awarded for two major trail projects during the Dec. 17 Council Meeting. The proposed construction projects are especially notable, due to their funding coming from federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds and Federal Surface Transportation Program, Metropolitan Mobility Off-System (STP-MM) funds, with both monetary sources being made possible through Houston Galveston Area Council's (H-GAC) involvement.
The first project, the Green Tee Terrace Trail Project, will see the construction of an approximately 8,000-feet-long, 10-feet-wide hike and bike trail along the Clear Creek Corridor from Broadway through Province Village to Clear Creek then over the creek to Hughes Road. The project also includes benches, signage, trash receptacles and shade structures. In November 2017, while this project was being planned, an agreement was executed with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) which reimburses the City for all approved construction costs up to 80% of the approved construction amount. The agreement only requires 20% matching funds from the City, effectively allowing the City to construct the trail at a significantly lower local direct cost.