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Population of Pearland, TX

Population of Pearland, TX

Population of the City of Pearland, Texas as of January 1st, 2017:

*** 120,000 people ***

Historical population of Pearland, TX:
January 2014: 105,000 people
January 2015: 109,000 people ( +3.8% growth, year over year )
January 2016: 117,000 people ( +7.3% )
January 2017: 120,000 people ( +2.5% )

From 2000 to 2010 Pearland's population grew by 140%+ which ranked Pearland as the 15th fastest growing city in the US from 2000 to 2010, when compared to other cities with a population of 10,000 or greater. Pearland has been the third largest and fastest growing  city in the Houston MSA since 2000.

Future population estimates for Pearland Texas:

Pearland is expected to grow by another 40,000 to 50,000 people by the year 2040.

Population of Pearland Texas including the City ETJ*:
January 2014: 132,000
January 2015: 133,000 ( +0.8% growth, year over year )
January 2016: 139,000 ( +4.5% )
January 2017: 144,000 ( +3.6% )

* ETJ population figures include all people within the Pearland city limits, as well as people within the official Extraterritorial Jurisdiction area, which includes lands on the outskirts of the city over which the City of Pearland claims certain legal authorities.

Additional Facts about Pearland from the US Census Bureau

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